This website is owned by the company VFA, is registered in the trade and company register of Nanterre (n° B 304 939 341), and has its headquarters at 11 et 13 rue du Sergent Bobillot – 92000 NANTERRE.
The content of the website is composed by its general structure and the elements which make it up. They consist of : texts, pictures which can be animated or not, sounds and multimedia elements. Any total or partial reproduction of this site and its content, whatever the process used, without previous and express authorisation from the company VFA, is forbidden and would constitute counterfeiting punished by the articles L335-2 and followings of the Intellectual Property Code. The pictures and texts of the website are absolutely not contractual..
The brands and logos of the company VFA which appear on the website are registered brands and logos. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands and logos without previous and express authorisation from the company VFA is forbidden.
The company VFA does not bear liability for the hypertext links which are set up in the framework of this website towards any other resources which of the Internet network. You can set up an hypertext link between your website and the website by displaying our website in a new window. The website cannot be integrated in the external website navigation.
The users of the website of the company VFA must respect the conditions of the IT law, files and freedom, for which the infringement is liable to penal punishment. Notably, concerning all nominative information to which they have access, they must abstain from any collection, inappropriate use and, in a more general way, from any action which would be likely to undermine someone's privacy or reputation. The offenders expose themselves to penal sanctions, in accordance with the conditions of the section V of the new penal code called "breach of people's rights resulting from files or IT treatments" and of the chapter III entitled "From infringements to automated treatment system of data".
The website is hosted by the companies CYBER'L and Serveur express.
(IT and Freedom National Commission) This website has been declared to the CNIL, in accordance with the Law N° 78-17 dated January 6 1978 and relative to IT, files and freedom.
Drafting of the texts :
VFA - Contact :
Photographies :
Graphic conception and Website development
CYBER’L - Site : - Mail :